Comments from attendees...

“It was very funny, practical, and well balanced...very personable and a real honest lesson! Keep up the great work. God is in this.”
“You guys went above & beyond. Keep doing what you are doing. “
Very entertaining, interesting & most of all Spirit-filled useful teaching. Profitable for all marriages & those considering getting married.”

Current Seminar Series


Discovering Marriage as God Intended


This seminar series includes four sessions and can be held on a Saturday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm or spread out over a weekend retreat. The sessions include lots of helpful powerpoint slides, several illustrative videos, "Just the Two of Us" times for couples, and note-taking handouts for each couple.

Session 1: HIS & HERS: Our Different Needs & Natures  In this session we look at the 4 Deepest Needs we all share… needs that cannot be met by a spouse but only by God.  Then we consider the Top 3 Needs of a Husband and the Top 3 Needs of a Wife, and how each spouse can lovingly respond to those needs. 

Session 2: QUICK TO LISTEN: Communicating Heart to Heart   It has been said that being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable. In this session we consider three levels of communication and provide practical tips on the art of listening...not just to your spouses words, but the emotions and meaning behind the words. 

Session 3: SHALOM IN THE HOME: Dealing with Conflict   How can two different "notes" on two different wave lengths make beautiful music together? Harmony is possible, as opposed to a discord, if we consider a new perspective on conflict and how to be a safe place for your spouse to share concerns. 

Session 4: KNOW YOUR ENEMY…and it’s NOT Your Spouse!  Every marriage is under attack.  In this session we look at the subtle and not-so-subtle ways a spiritual battle is raging in your home, identify some of the “wedges” the enemy drives between a husband and a wife to create distance, and give practical tools to stay strong in the face of these attacks.  Your marriage is worth fighting for!